207-230 Magical Power Rating 89-99 Magical Casting Speed Rating 19-21 Health Regeneration Rating 4-5 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 1-5 Mentality |
A powerful wand invoking the magical energy of nature. Connect stronger to the magic of Verra with this wand. Grants the user increased magical power and casting speed. |
Required Level - 20
Max Durability - 132 Item Level - 29 |
231-265 Magical Power Rating 99-114 Magical Casting Speed Rating 21-29 Health Regeneration Rating 5-7 Intelligence 5-7 Wisdom 5-7 Mentality |
A powerful wand invoking the magical energy of nature. Connect stronger to the magic of Verra with this wand. Grants the user increased magical power and casting speed. |
Required Level - 20
Max Durability - 173 Item Level - 29 |
Stat \ Rarity | Epic | Legendary | |
Magical Power Rating | 207-230 | 231-265 | |
Magical Casting Speed Rating | 89-99 | 99-114 | |
Health Regeneration Rating | 19-21 | 21-29 | |
Intelligence | 4-5 | 5-7 | |
Wisdom | 5 | 5-7 | |
Mentality | 1-5 | 5-7 |
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