210-235 Physical Power Rating 53-59 Physical Attack Speed Rating 16-19 Health Regeneration Rating 4 Constitution 1-17 Magic Resist |
A heroic mace invoking the power of nature. Grants the wielder with greatly increased physical power and attack speed. |
Required Level - 20
Max Durability - 112 Item Level - 29 |
237-262 Physical Power Rating 60-66 Physical Attack Speed Rating 19-21 Health Regeneration Rating 4-5 Constitution 18-20 Magic Resist 5-85 Max Health |
A heroic mace invoking the power of nature. Grants the wielder with greatly increased physical power and attack speed. |
Required Level - 20
Max Durability - 132 Item Level - 29 |
264-303 Physical Power Rating 66-76 Physical Attack Speed Rating 21-29 Health Regeneration Rating 5-7 Constitution 20-28 Magic Resist 87-128 Max Health |
A heroic mace invoking the power of nature. Grants the wielder with greatly increased physical power and attack speed. |
Required Level - 20
Max Durability - 173 Item Level - 29 |
Stat \ Rarity | Heroic | Epic | Legendary | |
Physical Power Rating | 210-235 | 237-262 | 264-303 | |
Physical Attack Speed Rating | 53-59 | 60-66 | 66-76 | |
Health Regeneration Rating | 16-19 | 19-21 | 21-29 | |
Constitution | 4 | 4-5 | 5-7 | |
Magic Resist | 1-17 | 18-20 | 20-28 | |
Max Health | - | 5-85 | 87-128 |
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