71-76 Magical Power Rating 18-19 Magical Casting Speed Rating 1-5 Magical Critical Chance Rating |
A powerful orb designed by the mind of Tanfeleris Ryn, one of the master archmages. He established the Tower of Carphin as a place of learning magic. Grants the user increased magical power and casting speed. |
Required Level - 20
Max Durability - 35 Item Level - 27 |
76-84 Magical Power Rating 19-21 Magical Casting Speed Rating 5-7 Magical Critical Chance Rating 1-2 Intelligence |
A powerful orb designed by the mind of Tanfeleris Ryn, one of the master archmages. He established the Tower of Carphin as a place of learning magic. Grants the user increased magical power and casting speed. |
Required Level - 20
Max Durability - 43 Item Level - 27 |
85-96 Magical Power Rating 22-24 Magical Casting Speed Rating 7-8 Magical Critical Chance Rating 2 Intelligence 1-2 Wisdom |
A powerful orb designed by the mind of Tanfeleris Ryn, one of the master archmages. He established the Tower of Carphin as a place of learning magic. Grants the user increased magical power and casting speed. |
Required Level - 20
Max Durability - 51 Item Level - 27 |
96-107 Magical Power Rating 24-27 Magical Casting Speed Rating 8-9 Magical Critical Chance Rating 2 Intelligence 2-3 Wisdom 1-8 Magical Penetration Rating |
A powerful orb designed by the mind of Tanfeleris Ryn, one of the master archmages. He established the Tower of Carphin as a place of learning magic. Grants the user increased magical power and casting speed. |
Required Level - 20
Max Durability - 59 Item Level - 27 |
108-124 Magical Power Rating 27-31 Magical Casting Speed Rating 9-10 Magical Critical Chance Rating 2-3 Intelligence 3 Wisdom 8-9 Magical Penetration Rating 1-11 Mana Regeneration Rating |
A powerful orb designed by the mind of Tanfeleris Ryn, one of the master archmages. He established the Tower of Carphin as a place of learning magic. Grants the user increased magical power and casting speed. |
Required Level - 20
Max Durability - 75 Item Level - 27 |
Stat \ Rarity | Uncommon | Rare | Heroic | Epic | Legendary | |
Magical Power Rating | 71-76 | 76-84 | 85-96 | 96-107 | 108-124 | |
Magical Casting Speed Rating | 18-19 | 19-21 | 22-24 | 24-27 | 27-31 | |
Magical Critical Chance Rating | 1-5 | 5-7 | 7-8 | 8-9 | 9-10 | |
Intelligence | - | 1-2 | 2 | 2 | 2-3 | |
Wisdom | - | - | 1-2 | 2-3 | 3 | |
Magical Penetration Rating | - | - | - | 1-8 | 8-9 | |
Mana Regeneration Rating | - | - | - | - | 1-11 |
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