202-218 Physical Power Rating 51-55 Physical Attack Speed Rating 2-16 Physical Penetration Rating |
Golbo's favorite sword. His favorite pastime was stripping the flesh from his enemies. Now you can pick up where he left off with his favorite hobby! Grants the wielder increased physical power and attack speed. |
Required Level - 20
Max Durability - 79 Item Level - 23 |
220-245 Physical Power Rating 55-62 Physical Attack Speed Rating 16-21 Physical Penetration Rating 2-18 Physical Critical Chance Rating |
Golbo's favorite sword. His favorite pastime was stripping the flesh from his enemies. Now you can pick up where he left off with his favorite hobby! Grants the wielder increased physical power and attack speed. |
Required Level - 20
Max Durability - 102 Item Level - 23 |
247-282 Physical Power Rating 62-71 Physical Attack Speed Rating 22-25 Physical Penetration Rating 18-21 Physical Critical Chance Rating 1-6 Dexterity |
Golbo's favorite sword. His favorite pastime was stripping the flesh from his enemies. Now you can pick up where he left off with his favorite hobby! Grants the wielder increased physical power and attack speed. |
Required Level - 20
Max Durability - 125 Item Level - 23 |
284-318 Physical Power Rating 71-80 Physical Attack Speed Rating 25-27 Physical Penetration Rating 22-24 Physical Critical Chance Rating 6-7 Dexterity 1-6 Strength |
Golbo's favorite sword. His favorite pastime was stripping the flesh from his enemies. Now you can pick up where he left off with his favorite hobby! Grants the wielder increased physical power and attack speed. |
Required Level - 20
Max Durability - 148 Item Level - 23 |
320-373 Physical Power Rating 80-94 Physical Attack Speed Rating 28-39 Physical Penetration Rating 24-35 Physical Critical Chance Rating 7-10 Dexterity 6-9 Strength |
Golbo's favorite sword. His favorite pastime was stripping the flesh from his enemies. Now you can pick up where he left off with his favorite hobby! Grants the wielder increased physical power and attack speed. |
Required Level - 20
Max Durability - 194 Item Level - 23 |
Stat \ Rarity | Uncommon | Rare | Heroic | Epic | Legendary | |
Physical Power Rating | 202-218 | 220-245 | 247-282 | 284-318 | 320-373 | |
Physical Attack Speed Rating | 51-55 | 55-62 | 62-71 | 71-80 | 80-94 | |
Physical Penetration Rating | 2-16 | 16-21 | 22-25 | 25-27 | 28-39 | |
Physical Critical Chance Rating | - | 2-18 | 18-21 | 22-24 | 24-35 | |
Dexterity | - | - | 1-6 | 6-7 | 7-10 | |
Strength | - | - | - | 1-6 | 6-9 |
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