85-95 Physical Power Rating 57-63 Physical Attack Speed Rating 2-3 Strength 1-3 Dexterity |
Captain Kingfish's personal sword. Thousands have been slain with this beast of a sword. Or so that's what Kingfish said. History is written by the victors, and let's just say Kingfish won't be writing anymore history. Grants the wielder with increased physical power and attack speed. |
Required Level - 10
Max Durability - 58 Item Level - 16 |
96-116 Physical Power Rating 64-72 Physical Attack Speed Rating 3-4 Strength 3-4 Dexterity |
Captain Kingfish's personal sword. Thousands have been slain with this beast of a sword. Or so that's what Kingfish said. History is written by the victors, and let's just say Kingfish won't be writing anymore history. Grants the wielder with increased physical power and attack speed. |
Required Level - 10
Max Durability - 70 Item Level - 16 |
117-137 Physical Power Rating 73-81 Physical Attack Speed Rating 4-5 Strength 4-5 Dexterity |
Captain Kingfish's personal sword. Thousands have been slain with this beast of a sword. Or so that's what Kingfish said. History is written by the victors, and let's just say Kingfish won't be writing anymore history. Grants the wielder with increased physical power and attack speed. |
Required Level - 10
Max Durability - 82 Item Level - 16 |
138-169 Physical Power Rating 82-95 Physical Attack Speed Rating 5-6 Strength 5-6 Dexterity |
Captain Kingfish's personal sword. Thousands have been slain with this beast of a sword. Or so that's what Kingfish said. History is written by the victors, and let's just say Kingfish won't be writing anymore history. Grants the wielder with increased physical power and attack speed. |
Required Level - 10
Max Durability - 106 Item Level - 16 |
Stat \ Rarity | Rare | Heroic | Epic | Legendary | |
Physical Power Rating | 85-95 | 96-116 | 117-137 | 138-169 | |
Physical Attack Speed Rating | 57-63 | 64-72 | 73-81 | 82-95 | |
Strength | 2-3 | 3-4 | 4-5 | 5-6 | |
Dexterity | 1-3 | 3-4 | 4-5 | 5-6 |
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