167-180 Physical Power Rating 19-20 Physical Attack Speed Rating 1-3 Strength |
Put together by the engineering might of goblins! Built with metal they stole, and serrated with teeth they plucked from some of the biggest bears in The Riverlands. This sword is designed to give a slow and painful death. Goblins always assure you death in the end! Grants the wielder with increased physical power and attack speed. |
Required Level - 10
Max Durability - 61 Item Level - 16 |
182-202 Physical Power Rating 21-23 Physical Attack Speed Rating 3-4 Strength 1-13 Physical Penetration Rating |
Put together by the engineering might of goblins! Built with metal they stole, and serrated with teeth they plucked from some of the biggest bears in The Riverlands. This sword is designed to give a slow and painful death. Goblins always assure you death in the end! Grants the wielder with increased physical power and attack speed. |
Required Level - 10
Max Durability - 78 Item Level - 16 |
204-231 Physical Power Rating 23-26 Physical Attack Speed Rating 4-5 Strength 13-15 Physical Penetration Rating 1-17 Physical Critical Power Rating |
Put together by the engineering might of goblins! Built with metal they stole, and serrated with teeth they plucked from some of the biggest bears in The Riverlands. This sword is designed to give a slow and painful death. Goblins always assure you death in the end! Grants the wielder with increased physical power and attack speed. |
Required Level - 10
Max Durability - 95 Item Level - 16 |
233-260 Physical Power Rating 26-29 Physical Attack Speed Rating 5-6 Strength 16-21 Physical Penetration Rating 17-27 Physical Critical Power Rating |
Put together by the engineering might of goblins! Built with metal they stole, and serrated with teeth they plucked from some of the biggest bears in The Riverlands. This sword is designed to give a slow and painful death. Goblins always assure you death in the end! Grants the wielder with increased physical power and attack speed. |
Required Level - 10
Max Durability - 112 Item Level - 16 |
262-304 Physical Power Rating 30-34 Physical Attack Speed Rating 6-8 Strength 21-29 Physical Penetration Rating 28-44 Physical Critical Power Rating |
Put together by the engineering might of goblins! Built with metal they stole, and serrated with teeth they plucked from some of the biggest bears in The Riverlands. This sword is designed to give a slow and painful death. Goblins always assure you death in the end! Grants the wielder with increased physical power and attack speed. |
Required Level - 10
Max Durability - 146 Item Level - 16 |
Stat \ Rarity | Uncommon | Rare | Heroic | Epic | Legendary | |
Physical Power Rating | 167-180 | 182-202 | 204-231 | 233-260 | 262-304 | |
Physical Attack Speed Rating | 19-20 | 21-23 | 23-26 | 26-29 | 30-34 | |
Strength | 1-3 | 3-4 | 4-5 | 5-6 | 6-8 | |
Physical Penetration Rating | - | 1-13 | 13-15 | 16-21 | 21-29 | |
Physical Critical Power Rating | - | - | 1-17 | 17-27 | 28-44 |
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